Truth is, most women do not know how to dress for their body, therefore some of their clothing selections make them feel heavy, frumpy, or just plain out of style. The problem is because women will look through a magazine expecting to find the perfect answers as to what they should buy, when in fact, the best thing to do is to take your best girlfriends and try on things you never thought you'd wear, because who knows, you may surprise yourself.
For example, have you ever watched the show on TLC called What Not To Wear? Most of those women have gotten to the point where all of the items in their closet make them feel so self conscious about their bodies that they purposely dress to hide themselves. That is because the clothes you see in magazines may look cute on the model, but that is because they were specifically picked out to look good on her so that you would want to wear it too. That's half the battle.
The other half is actually trying it on and deciding if the digits on the price tag are worth the material on your body.
I have recently started a new job at an accessory and clothing store. I have only worked there about 3 weeks and I have already learned things about my own body that I never would have realized on my own. Dressing up to look nice for work or even for your husband is simple! Reading that sentence you may or may not say "but not for me" or "but all the things I like are too expensive". Wrong and wrong again. Dressing for your body type is all about finding items that compliment your curves. You may say that is impossible too but maybe that's because you won't try on things you never thought you'd like. Being fashionable is all about keeping up with trends and trying new ideas. If it doesn't work, so what? It's one bad outfit and you can change it to look better the next time around.
Now, to discuss tacky to trendy. Most women wear suits to work. Maybe the occasional button up and slacks right? How can we play up a button up and slacks? High heels, belts, and jewelry. That's it. Never and I mean EVER wear crocks. No they are not comfortable and they are one of the ugliest shoes I have ever seen in my life. HUGE don't. Stay away from big clunky shoes as well. They are not attractive. Boots, flats, sandals, and heels are as good as it gets.
Shoe Do:

Shoe DON'T:
Use your shoes and your belt as an accent color to your clothing so that you don't look dull. Now, you can either pick an accent color to play up the belt along with the entire outfit, or you can pick a shoe that closely resembles the color of your slacks so that you have one elongated leg.
Putting it all together:
A white tailored button up- possibly roll the sleeves, not too much, but just enough so that they would be considered 3/4 sleeves.
Next, pick a larger sized belt and put it right above your belly button. This accentuates the smallest part of your torso and makes you look skinnier. Fun trick right?
Now, you can have any color belt but pick a color that won't get swallowed with the white button up, and also a color that will play up the black slacks. A black or chrome belt would really keep it classy but if you wanted to be a little more edgy and fun, I would pick an accent color such as pink, red, or blue.
Honestly, even the chrome belt below really would play up the black slacks, and with the jewelry coming next, you're bound to get compliments wherever you go. Especially with the blue shoes up top, wow!

Last, the jewelry is simple. Go with whatever color your belt is. But I would wear something delicate if you are wearing a big belt. Think of maybe a long silver chain, with a few pearls. And to top it off, black shoes so that your legs appear longer (because of your black slacks). Now you look taller AND thinner. See? Is that not simple? Every girl can do that. Now go have fun shopping!