After going through all the "what ifs" I could think of, I narrowed my choices down to a few topics. During college, I may write about the adventures of college life or if that doesn't seem to go anywhere, I can write about my truest and deepest passion, dance. I have been dancing for 5 years now and I love every bit of it. Dancing is my own personal escape from the world around me, it is truely my dream and John recently reminded me by asking why on earth I haven't been dancing. When my response like "I don't know", I knew something had to change here. So I took myself back a minute and remembered what it felt like to walk into a dance studio, the smell of wood and the view of ballet bars and mirrors. With a good, worn out pair of jazz shoes, one pant leg pulled up so I can watch my form, and a smile on my face, I am ready as soon as my feet touch the floor. Once the music plays, I disappear from the world as I know it. Everything fades; thoughts, fears, stress, everything.
Choreographing is an activity I really enjoy. The past semester at Tarleton, I taught at a dance studio with a good friend of mine and it reminded me just how much I have been missing. It has also motivated me to get a grip and do what I love to do. I am going to take classes this coming semester, and who knows, maybe I'll tryout for the dance team next year. Maybe when I get on my way in my career, I can open my own dance studio and start a dancer's magazine. We'll see.

Lastly, my final topic is travel. I have not been to very many places, but I have always wanted to travel. My boyfriend and I have been dreaming of taking a trip to Ireland together. I also want to visit Italy, Spain, Russia, Australia, and South America! There is so much to see, and I only have one life to live. Hopefully when I get out of college, I am blessed with a job in the travel indus

So now that you know my ideas, what do you think?
Anyways, I am so excited to see where life takes me, and I am ready to get there with all the people who love and support me.
Anyways, I am so excited to see where life takes me, and I am ready to get there with all the people who love and support me.
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